Debt collection:
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: who exactly qualifies as a “debt
collector” subject to the Act’s rigors?
1 ) someone hired by a creditor to collect an outstanding debt.
2 ) But what if you purchase a debt and then try to collect it for
yourself—does that make you a “debt collector” too? The answer is no.
(…) Statutory language defining the term “debt collector”: anyone who
“regularly collects or attempts to collect . . . debts owed or due . . .
another.” 15 U. S. C. §1692a(6).
In the very definitional section where we now find ourselves working,
Congress expressly differentiated between a person “who offers” credit (the
originator) and a person “to whom a debt is owed” (the present debt owner).
§1692a(4). Elsewhere, Congress recognized the distinction between a debt “originated
by” the collector and a debt “owed or due” another. §1692a(6)(F)(ii). And
elsewhere still, Congress drew a line between the “original” and “current”
creditor. §1692g(a)(5). Yet no similar distinction can be found in the language
now before us. To the contrary, the statutory text at issue speaks not at all
about originators and current debt owners but only about whether the defendant
seeks to collect on behalf of itself or “another.” And, usually at least, when
we’re engaged in the business of interpreting statutes we presume differences
in language like this convey differences in meaning. See, e.g., Loughrin v.
United States, 573 U. S. ___, ___ (2014).
June 12, 2017, Henson v. Santander Consumer USA Inc., Docket 16-349, J Gorsuch,
de créances. La loi fédérale sur le recouvrement équitable des créances, qui
prévoit des pénalités sévères à l'encontre de celui qui ne s'y conforme pas,
s'applique à celui qui recouvre pour un tiers, mais pas à celui qui recouvre
pour lui-même ni à celui qui recouvre pour lui-même une créance acquise d'un
tiers créancier.
La présente
décision est la première rendue par le Juge Gorsuch.
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