Prosecution: duty to disclose: suit for
damages by defendant against prosecution under 42 U.S.C. §1983: petitioner
the Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office concedes that, in prosecuting
respondent Thompson for attempted armed robbery, prosecutors violated Brady v.
Maryland, 373 U. S. 83, by failing to disclose a crime lab report.
Because of his robbery conviction, Thompson elected not to testify at his later
murder trial and was convicted. A month before his scheduled execution, the lab
report was discovered. A reviewing court vacated both convictions, and Thompson
was found not guilty in a retrial on the murder charge. He then filed suit
against the district attorney’s office under 42 U. S. C. §1983, alleging,
inter alia, that the Brady violation was caused by the office’s
deliberate indifference to an obvious need to train prosecutors to avoid such
constitutional violations. The district court held that, to prove deliberate
indifference, Thompson did not need to show a pattern of similar Brady violations
when he could demonstrate that the need for training was obvious. The jury
found the district attorney’s office liable for failure to train and awarded
Thompson damages. The Fifth Circuit affirmed by an equally divided court. Held:
A district attorney’s office may not be held liable under §1983 for failure
to train its prosecutors based on a single Brady violation; plaintiffs seeking to impose §1983 liability on local
governments must prove that their injury was caused by “action pursuant to
official municipal policy,” which includes the decisions of a government’s
lawmakers, the acts of its policymaking officials, and practices so persistent
and widespread as to practically have the force of law. Monell v. New
York City Dept. of Social Servs., 436 U. S. 658, 691. A local government’s
decision not to train certain employees about their legal duty to avoid
violating citizens’ rights may rise to the level of an official government
policy for §1983 purposes, but the failure to train must amount to “deliberate
indifference to the rights of persons with whom the untrained employees come
into contact.” Canton v. Harris, 489 U. S. 378, 388. Deliberate
indifference in this context requires proof that city policymakers disregarded
the “known or obvious consequence” that a particular omission in their training
program would cause city employees to violate citizens’ constitutional rights. Board
of Comm’rs of Bryan Cty. v. Brown, 520 U. S. 397, 410; (…) four
reversals by Louisiana courts for dissimilar Brady violations in the 10
years before the robbery trial could not have put the district attorney’s
office on notice of the need for specific training (U.S.S.Ct., 29.03.11,
Connick v. Thompson, J. Thomas).
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Connick v. Thompson
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Kasten v. Saint-Gobain
Labor Law: antiretaliation suit possible after
termination following oral complaint as well as written ones? Yes. Petitioner Kasten brought an antiretaliation
suit against his former employer, respondent (Saint-Gobain), under the Fair
Labor Standards Act of 1938 (Act), which provides minimum wage, maximum hour,
and overtime pay rules; and which forbids employers “to discharge . . . any
employee because such employee has filed any complaint” alleging a violation of
the Act, 29 U. S. C. §215(a)(3). In a related suit, the District Court found
that Saint-Gobain violated the Act by placing timeclocks in a location that
prevented workers from receiving credit for the time they spent donning and
doffing work related protective gear. In this suit Kasten claims that he was
discharged because he orally complained to company officials about the
timeclocks. The District Court granted Saint-Gobain summary judgment,
concluding that the Act’s antiretaliation provision did not cover oral
complaints. The Seventh Circuit affirmed.
Held: The scope of statutory term
“filed any complaint” includes oral, as well as written, complaints; even if “filed,”
considered alone, might suggest a narrow interpretation limited to writings, “any
complaint” suggests a broad interpretation that would include an oral
complaint; because the text, taken alone, might, or might not, encompass oral
complaints, the Court must look further; several functional considerations
indicate that Congress intended the antiretaliation provision to cover oral, as
well as written, complaints; a narrow interpretation would undermine the Act’s
basic objective, which is to prohibit “labor conditions detrimental to the
maintenance of the minimum standard of living necessary for health, efficiency,
and general well-being of workers,” 29 U. S. C. §202(a); why would Congress
want to limit the enforcement scheme’s effectiveness by inhibiting use of the
Act’s complaint procedure by those who would find it difficult to reduce their
complaints to writing, particularly the illiterate, less educated, or
overworked workers who were most in need of the Act’s help at the time of
passage? Given the delegation of enforcement powers to federal administrative
agencies, their views about the meaning of the phrase should be given a degree
of weight. The Secretary of Labor has consistently held the view that “filed
any complaint” covers both oral and written complaints. The Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission has set out a similar view in its Compliance Manual and
in multiple briefs. These views are reasonable and consistent with the Act. And
the length of time they have been held suggests that they reflect careful
consideration, not “post hoc rationalization.” Motor Vehicle Mfrs.
Assn. of United States, Inc. v. State Farm Mut. Automobile Ins. Co.,
463 U. S. 29, 50; after engaging in traditional statutory interpretation
methods, the statute does not remain sufficiently ambiguous to warrant
application of the rule of lenity (U.S.S.Ct., 22.03.11, Kasten v. Saint-Gobain,
J. Breyer).
Matrixx v. Siracusano
Securities: securities fraud class action, to fail to
disclose: securities fraud class action, alleging that petitioners (hereinafter
Matrixx) violated §10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Securities
and Exchange Commission Rule10b–5 by failing to disclose reports of a possible
link between Matrixx’s leading product, Zicam Cold Remedy, and loss of smell
(anosmia), rendering statements made by Matrixx misleading; the complaint
adequately alleged information linking Zicam and anosmia that would have been
significant to a reasonable investor. It also held that Matrixx’s withholding
of information about reports of adverse effects and about pending lawsuits by
Zicam users gave rise to a strong inference of scienter.
Held: Respondents have stated a claim
under §10(b) and Rule 10b–5.
a ) To prevail on their claim, respondents must prove,
as relevant here, a material misrepresentation or omission by Matrixx and
scienter. See Stoneridge Investment Partners, LLC v. Scientific-Atlanta,
Inc., 552 U. S. 148, 157; under Basic Inc. v. Levinson, 485
U. S. 224, §10(b)’s materiality requirement is satisfied when there is “ ‘a
substantial likelihood that the disclosure of the omitted fact would have been
viewed by the reasonable investor as having significantly altered the “total
mix” of information made available.’ ” Id., at 231–232; Matrixx’s
premise that statistical significance is the only reliable indication of
causation is flawed. Both medical experts and the Food and Drug Administration
rely on evidence other than statistically significant data to establish an
inference of causation. It thus stands to reason that reasonable investors
would act on such evidence. Because adverse reports can take many forms,
assessing their materiality is a fact-specific inquiry, requiring consideration
of their source, content, and context. The question is whether a reasonable investor
would have viewed the nondisclosed information as having significantly altered
the “total mix” of information made available. Applying Basic’s “total
mix” standard here, respondents adequately pleaded materiality; respondents
have also adequately pleaded scienter, “ ‘a mental state embracing intent to
deceive, manipulate, or defraud,’ ” Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues
& Rights, Ltd., 551 U. S. 308, 319; under the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995, a complaint adequately pleads scienter “only if
a reasonable person would deem the inference of scienter cogent and at least as
compelling as any opposing inference one could draw from the facts alleged.” Id.,
at 324 (U.S.S.Ct., 22.03.11, Matrixx v. Siracusano, J. Sotomayor, unanimous).
action de classe contre l’entreprise, motivée par une fraude à l’encontre de
l’investisseur, consistant à ne pas publier des informations déterminantes.
L’action de l’investisseur est ici fondée sur le §10(b) de la loi fédérale de
1934 sur les transactions en matière de Securities et sur la Règle 10b-5 de la
SEC. Est reprochée l’omission par l’entreprise de publier des rapports
établissant un lien possible entre la prise du produit pharmaceutique phare de
l’entreprise et la perte de l’odorat comme effet secondaire, rendant ainsi
trompeuses les déclarations faites par l’entreprise. C’est à juste titre que la
demande allègue que l’information liant le médicament à l’effet secondaire est
de nature significative pour un investisseur raisonnable. C’est également à
juste titre que le demandeur allègue que la rétention de l’information par
l’entreprise portant sur les rapports mentionnant l’effet secondaire, ainsi que
la rétention de l’information concernant l’existence de procédures déposées
contre l’entreprise par des consommateurs du médicament impliquent une forte
présomption d’intention. Par conséquent, la Cour juge que les demandeurs à
l’action de classe ont valablement établi les motifs permettant d’instruire
leur action.
l’emporter au fond, les demandeurs doivent prouver une fausse représentation
matérielle ou une omission, ainsi qu’une intention. Selon la jurisprudence
Basic v. Levinson, l’exigence de matérialité au sens de la Section §10(b) est
satisfaite lorsqu’existe une vraisemblance substantielle que la publication du
fait dissimulé aurait été considérée par un investisseur raisonnable comme un
événement qui aurait pu significativement modifier le « mélange
complet » d’informations disponibles. L’entreprise défenderesse allègue à
tort que seules des données statistiques peuvent constituer des indications
fiables s’agissant du critère de la causalité. En effet, aussi bien les experts
médicaux que la FDA se réfèrent à d’autres moyens de preuves que des données
statistiques pour inférer de la causalité. Il se conçoit ainsi qu’un
investisseur raisonnable se base lui aussi sur les autres critères, comme le
font les experts médicaux et la FDA. De manière générale, les rapports
défavorables à une entreprise défenderesse dans ce type de litiges peuvent
prendre des formes variées. Par conséquent, se prononcer sur leur matérialité
se fait au cas par cas, qui requiert la prise en compte de la source des
rapports, de leur contenu et de leur contexte. La question déterminante est
celle de savoir si un investisseur raisonnable aurait considéré l’information
dissimulée comme susceptible de modifier significativement le « mélange
complet » d’informations disponibles. En invoquant en l’espèce le standard
du « mélange total » découlant de la jurisprudence Basic, les
demandeurs ont plaidé la matérialité de manière suffisante. Ils ont également
plaidé l’intention de manière suffisante, soit un état mental qui implique
l’intention de tromper, de manipuler ou de frauder. Selon la loi fédérale de
1995 sur la réforme de la procédure en matière de « Private
Securities », un demandeur plaide l’intention de manière suffisante s’il
peut démontrer qu’une personne raisonnable considérerait l’inférence d’une
intention comme s’imposant, à tout le moins comme s’imposant autant que toute
autre inférence contraire que l’on pourrait tirer des faits de la cause.
Kasten v. Saint-Gobain
Rule of lenity: after engaging
in traditional statutory interpretation methods, the statute does not remain
sufficiently ambiguous to warrant application of the rule of lenity (U.S.S.Ct.,
22.03.11, Kasten v. Saint-Gobain, J. Breyer).
Interprétation la moins défavorable :
après avoir appliqué les méthodes d’interprétation traditionnelle des lois, la
loi litigieuse ne peut plus être considérée comme suffisamment ambigüe pour
permettre l’application de la règle de Lenity.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Felkner v. Jackson
Jury: Batson claim: Jackson raised a Batson claim,
asserting that the prosecutor exercised peremptory challenges to exclude black
prospective jurors on the basis of their race. See Batson v. Kentucky,
476 U. S. 79 (1986); Jackson renewed his Batson claim on direct appeal; the
California Court of Appeal upheld the trial court’s denial of the Batson motion
and affirmed Jackson’s convictions; after comparing Juror S to Juror 8, the
court concluded that “Juror 8’s negative experience out of state and the car
burglary is not comparable to Juror S’s 14 years of perceived harassment by law
enforcement based in part on race.” As for Juror J, the court recognized that
the prosecutor’s dismissal was based on her social services background—“a
proper race-neutral reason”—and that this explained his different treatment of
jurors with “backgrounds in law, bio-chemistry or environmental engineering.”
The court also noted that the “prosecutor focused on Juror J’s internship
experience” at the county jail.
After the California Supreme Court denied Jackson’s
petition for review, Jackson sought federal habeas relief. The Federal District
Court properly recognized that review of Jackson’s claim was governed by the
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA). That law
provides, in pertinent part, that federal habeas relief may not be granted
unless the state court adjudication “resulted in a decision that was based on
an unreasonable determination of the facts in light of the evidence presented
in the State court proceeding.” 28 U. S. C. §2254(d)(2); the District Court
therefore denied Jackson’s petition.
The Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed in
a three-paragraph unpublished memorandum opinion. 389 Fed. Appx. 640 (2010). In
so doing, the court did not discuss any specific facts or mention the reasoning
of the other three courts that had rejected Jackson’s claim. Instead, after
setting forth the basic background legal principles in the first two
paragraphs, the Court of Appeals offered a one-sentence conclusory explanation
for its decision: “the prosecutor’s proffered race-neutral bases for
peremptorily striking the two African-American jurors were not sufficient to
counter the evidence of purposeful discrimination in light of the fact that two
out of three prospective African-American jurors were stricken, and the record reflected
different treatment of comparably situated jurors.”
That decision is as inexplicable as it is unexplained.
It is reversed.
The Batson issue before us turns largely on an
“evaluation of credibility.” 476 U. S., at 98, n. 21. The trial court’s
determination is entitled to “great deference,” ibid., and “must be
sustained unless it is clearly erroneous,” Snyder v. Louisiana,
552 U. S. 472, 477 (2008).
That is the standard on direct review. On federal
habeas review, AEDPA “imposes a highly deferential standard for evaluating
state-court rulings” and “demands that state-court decisions be given the
benefit of the doubt.” Renico v. Lett, 559 U. S. ___, ___ (2010)
(slip op., at 5); there was simply no basis for the Ninth Circuit to reach the
opposite conclusion, particularly in such a dismissive manner (U.S.S.Ct., 21.03.11,
Felkner v. Jackson, Per Curiam).
Jury :
possibilité pour les parties au procès pénal d’exclure a priori des jurés de
leur choix. Mais ce choix ne doit pas être motivé par des motifs
discriminatoires. En l’espèce, le prévenu Jackson a soulevé une défense basée
sur la jurisprudence Batson, soutenant que le procureur avait exercé son droit
à exclure des jurés de manière discriminatoire, en excluant deux jurés noirs en
raison de leur race. Les Tribunaux de l’état se sont prononcés comme
suit : considérant par exemple la situation du Juré J, les Tribunaux ont
déterminé que son exclusion par le procureur découlait de l’activité du juré en
faveur des services sociaux, raison neutre du point de vue de la race, par
conséquent admissible. Le juré J avait par ailleurs également travaillé pour la
prison du comté.
prétentions de Jackson ont été rejetées par les Tribunaux inférieurs de l’état
de Californie, puis par sa Cour Suprême. Jackson agit ensuite devant les cours
fédérales sur la base du droit fédéral de l’habeas. La Cour Suprême fédérale
juge que la cour de district fédérale a reconnu à juste titre que les prétentions
de Jackson devaient être jugées à l’aune de la loi fédérale de 1996 contre le
terrorisme et pour la peine de mort effective. Cette loi prévoit notamment que
le remède fédéral de l’habeas ne peut être accordé que si la décision étatique
résulte de considérations basées sur une détermination déraisonnable des faits
à la lumière des preuves présentées. La cour de district fédérale rejeta ainsi
les prétentions de Jackson. La cour d’appel fédérale pour le Neuvième circuit
renversa dans une décision très courte de trois paragraphes non publiés. La
cour d’appel n’a pas discuté les faits ni fait état des considérants à l’appui
des décisions des cours antérieures.
Elle a conclu en une phrase que les justifications du procureur selon
lesquelles l’exclusion des jurés était fondée sur des bases neutres quant à la
race n’étaient pas suffisantes pour contrer la preuve d’un but discriminatoire,
à la lumière des faits qui démontrent que deux des trois jurés afro-américains
ont été écartés. En outre, le dossier montrerait l’existence de traitements
différents s’agissant de jurés dans des situations comparables. La Cour Suprême
fédérale renverse la décision du Neuvième circuit, la jugeant aussi
inexplicable qu’inexpliquée. La Cour précise que la question pertinente
découlant de la jurisprudence Batson consiste en une « évaluation de
crédibilité ». Les décisions de la cour étatique de première instance
bénéficient d’une grande déférence et doivent être confirmées à moins qu’elles
ne soient clairement erronées. Tel est le standard applicable dans les
procédures d’appel directes. S’agissant des procédures fédérales d’habeas, la
loi fédérale de 1996 impose un critère de haute déférence pour évaluer les
décisions des Tribunaux étatiques. Dite loi demande que les décisions étatiques
soient mises au bénéfice du doute. C’est sur ces bases que la décision du
Neuvième circuit a été annulée.
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