Racial discrimination: the University of Texas at
Austin considers race as one of various factors in its undergraduate
admissions process. The University, which is committed to increasing racial
minority enrollment, adopted its current program after this Court decided
Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 U. S. 306, upholding the use of race as one of many “plus
factors” in an admissions program that considered the overall individual contribution
of each candidate, and decided Gratz v. Bollinger, 539 U. S. 244, holding
unconstitutional an admissions program that automatically awarded points to
applicants from certain racial minorities (…); Held: Because the Fifth Circuit
did not hold the University to the demanding burden of strict scrutiny
articulated in Grutter and Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke, 438 U. S. 265,
its decision affirming the District Court’s grant of summary judgment to the
University was incorrect; Bakke, Gratz, and Grutter, which directly address
the question considered here, are taken as given for purposes of deciding this
case. In Bakke’s principal opinion, Justice Powell recognized that state
university “decisions based on race or ethnic origin . . . are reviewable under
the Fourteenth Amendment,” 438 U. S., at 287, using a strict scrutiny standard,
id., at 299. He identified as a compelling interest that could justify the
consideration of race the interest in the educational benefits that flow from
a diverse student body, but noted that this interest is complex, encompassing a
broad array “of qualifications and characteristics of which racial or ethnic
origin is but a single though important element.” Id., at 315. (U.S.S.Ct.,
24.06.2013, Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, J. Kennedy).
raciale : une université considère la race comme l’un des divers facteurs dans
sa procédure d’admission. Le but de l’université est d’augmenter l’enrôlement
de minorités raciales, pour assurer la diversité parmi les élèves, ce qui est
en effet un « compelling interest » selon la jurisprudence de la
Cour. Les précédentes décisions de la Cour soutiennent l’usage du critère de la
race comme un facteur considéré comme un plus, parmi bien d’autres facteurs,
l’important étant de considérer l’ensemble des qualités apportées par un
candidat. Serait contraire à la Constitution un programme d’admission qui
attribuerait automatiquement des points à un candidat issu d’une minorité
raciale ou ethnique. Les décisions d’admission sont revues sous l’angle du 14è
Amendement et doivent satisfaire le principe de « strict scrutiny »,
et non pas un principe de déférence à une décision d’admission prise sans autre
motivation par l’établissement universitaire.
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